Allergy, Asthma, Athletes Feet, Back Pain, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Children Health, Cold, Constipation, Depression, Diabetes, Eye Disease, Gastric Ulcer, High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, Incontinence, Insomnia, Kidney Atrophy, Knee Pain, Liver Disorder, Men's Health, Menstrual Pain, Migraine, Negative Ion, Parkinson Disease, Pneumonia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Rosacea, Skin Problem, Socks, Stomach Pain, Stroke, Tinnitus, Uric Acid, Weight Loss
Teviron Clothing – Protective Fiber With a Purpose Want more long lasting energy? The result of advanced technology anion fiber is available as the new star in modern health care. This fiber delivers 24/7 as the anion fibers rub against our skin; anions are...
Allergy, Cold, Pneumonia, Shoulder Pain, Tinnitus
NEFFUL Brought Me Back Health as Well as a Lasting Business Symptoms: allergic rhinitis neck and shoulder pain calluses in vocal cord Hui Ling Gu I was originally an office worker. One day I woke up with neck and shoulder pain that was caused by an awkward sleeping...
Allergy, Cold, Insomnia, Pneumonia, Tinnitus
Symptoms: cold, allergic rhinitis, pneumonia Zheng Mei Zhu I’ve been working in China for a long time. In the beginning my condition was fine, but my resistance weakened after a couple of years. If I wasn’t careful enough, it is very easy for me to get a...